Myths of risky Beauty

There are ways that some women practice and believe that they will be more beautiful or simply do not generate them harm, but are in error. Sometimes it is better to try to abandon certain habits that damage your body and health are made and worse, when they are guided by advice from others, they do not really know what they do.

Myths of risky Beauty

There are some myths of beauty that women believe that we are hurt or help them have an enviable figure, but the truth is that generate damage to their bodies and health. So it is best to learn the subject and leave behind all such beliefs others say but do not have any scientific or medical support. The danger is that this kind of behavior and become habits and begin to form an active part of each of the lives of women who practice them. Although at first it is difficult to stop, if they try a little, probably about two weeks after they get.

1. One of the most common and that women believe they do not hurt them is lying completely made up and is worse when exaggerated and were soon applied product found to be beautiful. The truth is that the skin needs to rest without a drop of contaminant or substance that prevents breathing and when this makeup, rather than cool and calm sunrise, manages to look tired and wrinkled. Despite the fatigue you have, it's always good face wash or clean with baby wipes to clean much of the content of makeup. The result of not removing make bedtime, is the appearance of acne fungi and even premature wrinkles.

2. Another of the myths that often women do not gain weight, you go everywhere either study or work, without breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it is precisely what gives energy for the body to function throughout the day. In addition, you can develop eating disorders, development of gastritis or other discomforts. A person must have 5 meals a day and try not to skip the top three. If time is not reached, the solution is simple: get up earlier.

3. A custom and ugly by the way, is pinched face and take it as an excuse to say you are doing a homemade scrub. Should not be done, first because the nails are the protagonists granites, saved many bacteria and secondly because a grain that is depressed, often infected and become larger. The result will be stained, red and scarred skin. Is best done in an aesthetic center or some beauty products that eliminate black spots and pimples more effectively and safely.

4. Continuing with nails, a large percentage who have a hobby frustrating and annoying: nail biting. And for some produce disgust, but for others, produces print, view youth as nice and hands a bit sloppy and even ugly, because it seems that no nails. In addition, they also tend to remove their cueritos and fingers swell and bleed terribly.

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