Many of the patients who are constantly exposed to the risk of allergic reactions, from the banal to the common cold, to itch with lacrimation and irritation of the skin can not even guess at the true cause of their disease.
Allergic reactions usually only a consequence of existing chronic diseases. Moreover, even today around us everyday things can be the cause of education allergic reactions. So cause of allergies can be as pet dander, and even house plants, or pharmaceutical drugs taken by man. Sometimes an allergic reaction may occur immediately, but only some time after taking the medicine, this is due to the accumulation of excessive amounts of certain irritating substances in the body, which subsequently, because of their abundance may appear on the skin in the form of annoying formations, sometimes even ulcers. Because of the numerous cases of intolerance of certain drugs of modern pharmacology and a huge list of side-effects, people have for a long time returning to a huge collection of tips called - alternative medicine.
List all existing allergens simply meaningless, because for each individual allergic reaction can occur from a completely different products. We are different, so what is intolerable for one product to the other would be a very nice effect.
Causes of allergies: Sometimes the cause of education as an instant allergic reactions and chronic type can be a variety of reasons. So for example endoallergenny sometimes occur after undergoing severe burns. In such cases, when the skin is not able to recover 100% and its structure varies greatly, it becomes too prone and can respond to pathogens party in the form of allergic reactions, which can cause various types of eczema. But the most common motivators allergic reactions are called - hypoallergenic, they can be divided into many groups, such as food allergies, drug allergies, domestic or household allergens and bacterial allergens.
Let's look at household allergens. The main element of household allergens are dust, which is very small particles of dead skin, micron particles of clothing, metal, wood and other material things. In fact it is the same garbage, but only a very small size. And even such tiny particles of dust can be found in, both together and separately, promote the formation of allergies. Recently it has been found that the quality of water consumed significantly affects its antioxidant properties, and it was found that the water coming to us, and the one that is considered in its molecular structure as close to a live, i.e. cluster comprising 5-7 molecules have completely differing rates. Structured water at home - that's what you need for quality and nutrition of our body. Also, strong household allergens is hair pets, interesting is the fact that allergies to pets in 98% of cases occur as a sample, or on dogs or cats, sometimes can manifest allergic reaction to a particular view of a particular breed of animal. Just strong allergens can act feathers and fluff. By household allergens are often treated very common types of allergies, in which high levels of dust in the air, and it is a large concentration of dust and dead skin particles pieces of dried saliva. This type of allergic reaction called inhaled allergens. These types include allergens and fungal spores formations.
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