Yellowish discharge during pregnancy is dangerous !?

Yellowish discharge during pregnancy is dangerous

Increased vaginal discharge in expectant mothers is the norm. But yellowish discharge during pregnancy can be a sign of the occurrence of gynecological disease or infection. Consider the allocation of any intensity, color or texture are the norm, and which may be indicative of disease.

What release are considered a deviation from the norm

Allocation yellowish during pregnancy, heavy and thick, have an unpleasant odor, itchy, burning or painful urination. Yellowish discharge are due to rotting waste products of microorganisms such as E. coli, gonococci, staphylococci.

What to do?

Immediately contact your doctor. Self-medication and the delay is unacceptable as there is a threat not only health, but also the life of the unborn child. Prescribe treatment and diagnosis can only be a specialist.

What it could be a disease?

  • Gonorrhea - a dangerous disease. Allocation at such disease foaming, yellow with a green tint. These symptoms may indicate trichomoniasis, no less dangerous disease.
  • Bright yellow discharge may indicate inflammation of the ovaries or vaginal bacterial infections.

Yellowish discharge during pregnancy signal of infection, which can cause miscarriage. In any case do not self-refer to a doctor for a diagnosis and determine the most appropriate treatment.

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