Plentiful monthly: what to do to stop the bleeding?

Plentiful monthly: what to do to stop the bleeding

Plentiful monthly usually disturb a woman more than one week. This phenomenon requires greater attention, frequent genital hygiene women, as well as multiple shifts pads or backer. The question arises, if you started heavy periods, what to do?

A heavy menstrual period is necessary to:

  1. secure peace and relaxation;
  2. should not be taken vasodilators that can increase and so heavy bleeding;
  3. do not need a heavy period when do strength training, exercise, cleaning and carry heavy bags;
  4. Do not use warm water bottle, which may increase bleeding;
  5.  need to temporarily avoid sexual relations;
  6. during hygiene procedures should not use soap, which can irritate the delicate skin of intimate places, it is better to give a preference for soft special funds;
  7.  to do something with a heavy menstrual period should start taking vitamins C, D, B12 and iron;
  8.  to facilitate their condition a heavy menstrual period bleeding may use tea of mint, raspberry leaf and nettle;
  9. do not abuse coffee and cigarettes;
  10. can take decoction orange peel with 50 ml before meals three times a day;
  11. taking decoctions of the leaves of cherry, shepherd's purse, buckthorn, horsetail and yarrow;
  12. necessarily need to see a specialist to undergo examination and obtain the desired treatment;
  13. if you follow a strict diet, in which case it should stop;
  14. take in food sorrel in any form;
  15. eliminate from your diet heavy meats, cabbage, lots of sweets and biscuits.

Of course, all of these measures can only be temporary, so certainly should see a doctor to help stop severe blood loss during menstruation and the appropriate treatment.

Therefore the question of how to stop heavy periods, what to do at this time, for you must be solved in the next monthly cycle no longer occur.

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