Can I make peeling the spring?

Can I make peeling the spring

Application peeling effectively eliminates many dermatological problems. Is it possible to make peeling the spring, and is there any contraindications associated with the time of year?

Answering the question whether it is possible to carry out peeling the spring, should be based on the individual characteristics of the skin. If you are used to hold weekly peeling procedure, we should not deny the pleasure skin spring. Another thing is to start the procedure in the spring, when, despite the still chilly weather, the sun can affect piping and thus cause pigmentation. Most cosmetologists do not see anything wrong with that, to make peeling the spring. 
However, in most cases, they are being prescribed a course of taking vitamins that allow the skin to recover faster. In addition, depending on the concentrations of the substances and the direction of action of peeling (peeling, anti acne, acne, rejuvenation) Theoreticians are advised not to leave the house and do not use cosmetics during the rehabilitation period. And further advised to use sunscreen to avoid exposing the skin to ultraviolet radiation.

As for home peels, which contain, as a rule, natural ingredients that do not cause allergic reactions and redness and can be used 1-2 times a week. But it should be borne in mind that in the winter you want to pick a nutritional composition, and in the summer and spring to give preference to easily make water or herbal based. The main components multilingualism for home use are: salt, baking soda, granulated sugar. The remaining components of peel chosen depending on the needs of the skin and the result you want to achieve. Sugar (6 tablespoons. L.) Can be mixed with floral honey (2 tbsp. L.) And olive oil (2 tbsp. L.). The resulting mass is to be put on the face and easy to rub massage movements. Then rinse with warm water. This spring peeling suitable for sensitive skin, moisturizes and nourishes.

Components such as salt and soda are more suitable for the purification of contaminated skin with clogged pores and blackheads. Do such peeling spring quite safe. Cook peeling can be supplemented with fresh cooked oatmeal. Add a bowl of porridge (4 tbsp. L.) Salt or baking soda (1 tbsp. L.) Stir and enjoy procedure.

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