How to face peeling fruit acids?

How to face peeling fruit acids?

Facial peeling fruit acids gently cleanses the pores, making the skin fresh, moist and smooth, non-aggressive action without redness and allergy makes this procedure quite popular.


Fruit Peeling Face has a significant positive effect on the skin. Alpha-Hydroxy Acids weaken the connections between redundant necrotic skin particles and help them quickly and painlessly flake, eventually revealing a healthy youthful skin.

Indications for the procedure

Chemical face peeling fruit acids suitable for all skin types. The procedure enables the processes of recovery of new skin cells dry skin. As a result of the inflow of water to the surface, it is moistened, it becomes more elastic, looks healthy and radiant. Fruit acids purified and sebaceous glands from excessive potozhirovyh emissions and minimize the probability of formation of blackheads and acne. Fruit Peeling normalize lipid balance of the skin, removes pigmentation.

Procedure for

Carrying out the procedure face peeling fruit acids in the cabin includes the following steps:

  • skin cleansing and preparation for the procedure by means of massage;
  • fruit acid deposition at a certain time and the subsequent neutralization;
  • applying a soothing and moisturizing cream to protect against external environmental influences.

Generally, cosmetologists are used to best effect peeling cocktail, which consists of several different acids. Depending on the condition of the skin and the desired effect beautician paints the whole scheme of the peelings for improvement and renewal of the skin. Peels are often combined with other treatments, facials, if at the same time before the task is a beautician, for example, to clean the skin from the first wrinkles and pigmentation.

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