When the fall of the second pregnancy belly?

When the fall of the second pregnancy belly

It is considered that if the pregnancy belly falls, it is the most important precursor of the birth. But what does the expression "goes belly"? When labor begins after this? Do all women this occurs and what sensations while there? A Does the fact at what time goes belly second pregnancy and subsequent? How to determine what goes belly? Let's try to answer these questions.

 In the last months of pregnancy, a woman becomes more difficult to breathe, it hurts shortness of breath and heartburn. The reason for this is that the growing uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm, lungs and stomach of the future mother. But after 33-34 weeks the baby starts to prepare for childbirth and takes a certain position. The baby's head, which used to be in the abdomen, descends into the pelvis, and with it lowered himself belly. To determine whether the stomach goes, you need to put your hand in the stomach and chest. If she's fit, the omission has occurred.

After the stomach goes lungs, stomach and the diaphragm released. Woman becomes easier to breathe and it hurts a lot less heartburn. But while the future mother appear difficulty walking, and she is forced to waddle like a duck on his feet. Also, the omission of the abdomen may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort in the perineum.

Commenting on the timing of omission of the abdomen, it is worth noting that the body of every woman is different, as the process of pregnancy. Therefore, the stomach may fall two weeks before the birth, and maybe a week. There are cases when the stomach is lowered as a month before the birth, and 1-2 hours before them. And some women might not stomach down.

According to statistics, the lowering of the stomach takes approximately 2-3 weeks until the baby's born. But usually it happens in nulliparous women. But when his stomach dropped at the second and subsequent pregnancy occurs later. Usually give birth in such cases occur no later than a week.

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