5 Common Mistakes in yoga

5 Common Mistakes in yoga

To help make your yoga practice more effective and conscious, I decided to write some of the most common mistakes that beginners make practice in groups.

Clearly, part of what is happening on the mat, applies to your everyday life. Let this information will provide for you as a certain momentum for thought .

5 Common Mistakes in yoga

1 You're too much attention to the external form

Due to the fact that you have not yet obtained the "ideal" embodiment of the poses, you are looking at a teacher or a neighbor on the mat, start to go all out, just to repeat this "ideal" option. But no such thing as "ideal" does not exist at all. At each point in your development will always be a potential, to which you are not yet due to their physiology can not reach.

Each asana can be broken down into components, so if you still have difficulties with tuning the desired position, do not be lazy to ask your coach preparatory and intermediate options for a given situation. It is not necessary to make a superhuman effort - that you yourself quickly drain. Much more effective and would be wise to gradually increase their own efforts, or the middle or the end of the training, you will not be able to do even the most basic asanas.

With respect and understanding take its original condition and methodically with perseverance "study your" their "problem" areas.

2 Loss of control of breathing

Breathing in Yoga - a thread on which are strung pearls asanas. If you forget to concentrate on his deep breath, you lose the rod, resulting in the whole practice of yoga is rolled to the usual exercises.

Watch as your breath reacts to your movements. While you can practice asanas with natural and deep breathing, you can not overload yourself.

Focusing on the breath allows you to keep the mind alive and attentive to the present moment.

At that moment, when there is a full synchronization of breath and movement included "magic" of yoga. The mind becomes calm and balanced. You begin to experience the joy and happiness of the present moment.

3 Desire very rapid progress

We must realize that it is impossible to become a yoga master in one workout :) Yoga - extended in time and a very long process, the fruits of which do not appear immediately. Therefore, do not try to go deep in their current boundary of the body and mind. Practice consistently and systematically build their own efforts in practice. If you chase the quick results and rigidly exploiting his body, completely ignoring the feedback mechanism, there will come a time when you body just scream: "STOP" in the form of injury or illness.

Instead, in order to become more flexible and relaxed, confessing Super Intensive approach, you can come to the other extreme, when the body, on the contrary, will become pinched and tense, despite the fact that you are practicing yoga.

When you fully understand this principle and begin to apply it in their practice of yoga, you will be pleasantly surprised at how your body is becoming more fluid and relaxed with each new workout. There will come a time when it is very clearly will give a clue to your mind in matters of asanas, food, contact with other people.

4 Ignoring workout

I think that most people reading this article, do not live in India or another warm country, where the climate allows virtually go without warm-up exercises before the training.

Most of us live in the middle lane, and it is said that for collapsible and practices we just need to properly prepare your body before yoga classes.

Warm-up involves the gradual intensification marmas (biologically active points) and the elaboration of joint, muscle and tendon and ligaments. These actions very carefully and correctly "include" in the body of the work.

Especially pay attention to warm-up, if the next lesson involves learning new complex asanas - it will protect you from injury.

5 Ignoring rest and relaxation

At the end of training, while in shavasana, you do not just sit back and take it easy, you are also more and "recycle" and integrate all that the positive effect that was gained during the training.

At this point, the depth of discharge of the psyche, and if your date or the whole week had been saturated with stressful events, finding in shavasana is a very good opportunity to regain his strength and quality rest.

Depriving themselves of this opportunity and going from the class immediately after the active elements of training, you thereby deprive themselves of the opportunity of deep relaxation and renewal.

Be aware of these mistakes, and your yoga practice will be more effective and harmonious!

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