How Helpful nettle leaves for hair?

How Helpful nettle leaves for hair

All the girls take care of their hair. But not everyone knows that to keep hair health and beauty helps nettle. A useful than nettle for hair? Let's find out.

Nutrients nettle

Do nettle unique composition. Its leaves contain 4 times more ascorbic acid than lemon. Besides, nettle leaves are rich in vitamins A, D, E, K; carotene; minerals; trace elements: iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, boron, etc.; tannins; organic acids; flavonoids; phytoncides; tannin; chlorophyll, etc.

Benefits nettle hair

Due to its medicinal properties, nettle is often used for the preparation of infusions and hair masks. Their frequent application restores damaged hair, improves the color, shine and strengthens the roots. More nettle helps with hair loss and oily. In addition, it promotes hair growth, eliminates flaking of the scalp, is struggling with split ends, smooths the hair, eliminates fat and moisturizes.

Recipes and concoctions masks nettle

Nettle broth prepared as follows: 100-150 g nettle leaves and 1 tbsp. l honey pour 1 liter of boiling water, infuse for 1 hour, then drain. If your hair is oily and apply the following broth: 100 g of nettle leaves pour 0.5 liters, bring to a boil and leave for 30 minutes, then strain, add 0.5 liters of vinegar and 4% after 2 hours to pass through the filter. To prepare the firming mask for hair need 3 tsp nettle leaves and 1 teaspoon of burdock root pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil and leave for 2 weeks, or mixed in equal proportions nettle juice with olive oil. You can also omit the nettles through a meat grinder and add sea salt to it (20% of the total). To regain strength weakened hair mix 1 tbsp nettle leaves, 3 tbsp. l Basma and egg yolk.

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