Ode stoles or How to properly wear a stole

Ode stoles or How to properly wear a stole

Dear girls, let's now talk about this unusual items from our wardrobe, like a stole - World craze of the 18th century. As they say, everything is new - is well forgotten old. But just how to wear a stole?

Today stole became a classic accessory any woman. It's quite long and wide cape, usually in the form of a rectangle. Materials to create a dazzlingly stole a lot. This cashmere, linen, wool, fur, velvet, and, of course, lace.

Like wearing stole
Pick the perfect stole for a particular case is much harder than it seems. To use reasonable stole follow the three most important rules and do not doubt your perfect outfit will do the trick .

Color. Stole bright colors ideal for classic outfits dark tones. To pick up a handkerchief evening dress delicate shades . Sure, not afraid to experiment women try colorful capes and stoles with ornament .

Texture . Remember immutable rule , this noble velvet fabric, it is very capricious, but in the capable hands serves faithfully to her mistress . Silk dress or shirt, velvet stoles say thank you and, conversely, to dresses of velvet or satin would be the best even brocade .

If you dress or jacket, denim, knitted stole handmade complement youth style of the 90s. Fur stole is in the cold will look quite appropriate .

Drapery . Fantasy to drape no chapel , important not to go borders. Here are a few examples. The easiest option is to make a few turns around the neck or draped over the shoulder belt under the pinned ends . You can throw stole so that ends subsided down from behind. For unusual draping and better fixation can always use a brooch . Use stole as hood or wear at the waist.

Do not be afraid to experiment in safe and experienced hands , this common thing takes the form of perfect accessory.

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