Which Foods have Vitamin A in large quantities

Which Foods have Vitamin A in large quantities

The benefits of vitamins know everything. And the very first open scientists vitamin is vitamin A. But what qualities he has, what it's good and what foods have vitamin A? Let's talk about it.

Vitamin A substance called retinol ( retinoid ) with strongly pronounced antioxidant properties due to which it got its name ( first character on the Latin alphabet ) . All of the vitamins of group A have a crystalline structure and does not dissolve in water, so they are only absorbed in the body by using fats , proteins and minerals. There is also another form - carotene (provitamin of vitamin A) , cleavage in the human liver to vitamin A.

Vitamin A is very important for human health. It is necessary for normal metabolism ; cell health , teeth and bones ; proper distribution of body fat ; prevention of visual impairment; provide powerful antioxidant protection ; prevention and treatment of cancerous diseases; accelerate the process of wound healing ; good functioning of the immune system, etc. In addition, vitamin A promotes the production of collagen and preserve skin elasticity and is widely used for the production of various cosmetics and anti-aging creams , what is the great benefit of vitamin A for women. It also slows down the aging process and contributes to the emergence and formation of new cells.

Vitamin A deficiency usually leads to vision problems and the emergence of eye diseases ( gemoralopiya , xerophthalmia, keratomalyatsiya ); decreased immunity ; frequent diseases and chronic infections ; deterioration of the skin , hair and nails ; disruption updates dead skin cells ; decrease in appetite , etc. are also possible endocrine disruption , gastrointestinal tract , etc. It is therefore important to know which foods contain vitamin A, to eat

If you talk about in which foods contain a lot of vitamin A, in the first place is worth noting fish oil , liver, caviar , butter, egg yolks , margarine , cream and whole milk. Also vitamin A rich yellow, red , green vegetables and fruits , as well as berries and herbs: carrots, tomatoes , squash, peppers, cabbage, broccoli, apricots, peaches , plums, kaki , melon , sea buckthorn, black chokeberry , hawthorn, viburnum , dried rosehips , spinach , green onions, dill, parsley, celery greens , wild garlic . Retinol also contain some fungi , such as chanterelles, and legumes , especially peas.

But despite the fact that retinol is not soluble in water, it is destroyed during cooking (cooking , canning) . Therefore, foods containing vitamin A, especially fruits and vegetables , it is better to eat fresh. Yet it is destroyed during long-term storage of products in air.

Every body need retinol individual. It depends on the sex, age, physical and mental condition of the body , etc. Also worth noting is that vitamin A tends to accumulate in the liver, allowing the person some time to go without food to its content .

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