4 Stepladder to Staying Healthy After Having a Baby

All womans undergo revolutionary transformations throughout her pregnancy at the physical and emotional level. The rigors of having children leave her in a frail health. Yet a new mother must try to remain healthy after having children since she needs to be strong to both nurse a baby and sustain her own body at the same time. While she may find it difficult to stay on a nutritious diet, she has to follow strict medical guidelines so that her lifestyle doesn’t affect her body, still weak from childbirth. As a new parent she should follow a diet only after proper consultation with her doctor and nutritionist. 

Exercise and activities
A stern exercise and hectic schedules are totally harmful for your health if you’re a new mother. In any case, your body is still not in a position to tolerate the strain. Light freehand exercise and a bit of moving around is all that new mothers are advised. Ask for help when you have to lift something or climb the stairs. Distribute chores and errands and rest as long as long as you want.

Trust the Experts
As long as a woman’s body does not return to a normal condition, she must continue with proper medication and therapies. It takes time for a body to adjust to new functions and lifestyle and that’s the reason a new mom should continue visiting her doctor at scheduled times to be in good health.

Breastfeed with Care
A baby bonds with the mother when she nurses it. They develop a special relation and the newborn grows to depend on her for food and love. Since babies have a knack of waking up in the middle of the night or just when a tired mother decides to take rest, a new mom should try to build a fixed nursing schedule and feed the baby accordingly. She could stimulate milk production and sooth painful breasts by applying a hot press and wearing loose and comfortable clothes.

Check your Emotions
Beside huge physical changes, a new mother finds herself engulfed in totally new and sudden emotions. She might experience sudden urges, cravings, depressions, anger, fear or low self esteem. At such times, she must try thinking straight and understand that being a new mother is stimulating and challenging and can even be fun, if taken in the right spirit. She might seek professional help if she feels like it.

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