Monthly is, and no ovulation. What's the matter?

Monthly is, and no ovulation. What's the matter

Ovulation - is the output of a mature egg from the ovary into the abdominal cavity. Usually the time of ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, but not always so, for each girl ovulation period is different. Some women are faced with a situation where there are monthly, and no ovulation. Usually this becomes noticeable when a woman wants to become pregnant.

That may affect the lack of ovulation

One of the main reasons for the lack of ovulation is the dysfunction of the hypothalamic -pituitary- ovarian system . It can be caused by various stresses , inflammation of the genitals. Also on the dysfunction of the hypothalamic -pituitary- ovarian system may influence genetic factors .

If you have had an infectious disease , it may also be the answer to the question arose why there monthly , and no ovulation .

In any case, if there are monthly and do not ovulate , you need to visit a gynecologist . The sooner you go , the more productive will be treated.

Senior specialist after a thorough examination and diagnosis appoint an effective treatment.

According to statistics, after treatment for 15% of women become pregnant in the first cycle. In the following cycles pregnancy occurs in 50% of women.

Also there are various folk cures lack of ovulation. Following these methods, it is necessary to take schematically various concoctions of herbs.

Treatment traditional methods often gives a positive result.

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