How to cook chicken with vegetables and rice in the oven

How to cook chicken with vegetables and rice in the ovenTo cook the chicken in the oven , we need:

  • chicken ;
  • rice ( rice based on two glass ratings );
  • a few carrots , the more the better;
  • onions, garlic and spices to taste , including turmeric .
Fry vegetables in margarine will . As the additive can take raisins, as well as other comminuted dried . To preserve the flavor and juicy taste we use foil for baking in the oven.

Before you start cooking rice should be rinsed , shift it in a saucepan and cover with cold water at the rate of one portion of rice into two portions of water. Immediately to the soaked rice need to add salt and 1 tbsp. spoon turmeric . Then turn on the stove and bring to a boil rice and diminish the fire. Let the rice mixture to boil until it will not remain water.

Meanwhile, you need to peel the vegetables . Grate the carrots into a thin straw , and chop onion . Garlic until you can only get rid of the skin. In the second place the burner pan with high sides . Once it warms up , moisten the surface of the pan with margarine and saute onions begin to dark yellow. Doing it on low heat and covering pan with a lid .

Reserve at the time of the bow , and go to the chicken you want to wash and get rid of excess fat , just cut it off . By this time the onions should have purchased a gold color. Add to the pan and stir carrot sticks . But it's not all the gold in our kitchen. Rice seasoning because the same color of the sun began . We shift it to our pan, and fun to send Trinity raisins (or dried ) . All this must be carefully mixed and close the lid . Fire can be completely removed, garnish reach the desired state of their own.

Actively rub the chicken with salt and pepper . Put foil on a baking sheet for baking so that it was in excess. It scraped out of the pan with rice, expanding it with a thin layer on baking sheet . It will take at all the rice . Remaining chicken and rice farshiruem final stage will be adding garlic. Peeled garlic cloves cut into small pieces , add it into the chicken and under the skin of the bird by making small incisions on it. Now just wrap the chicken and rice in foil and put it in the oven , preheated to a temperature of 180 -200 degrees centigrade.

On the baking dish will take about an hour. Leisure time can be devoted to the preparation of the table for dinner or other legal proceedings.

Exactly one hour gat chicken and check for availability. If all is well, remove the rice that blanket with birds (pushing rice to the side) and return the baking sheet in the oven for 15 minutes. This time is needed to on a hen appeared flavorful crust.

Congratulations, crusted chicken successfully and is ready for serving. Recommended shift chicken and rice in a suitable container (dish, tray).

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