To answer the question , why are not regular monthly , you need to understand the reason conducive to that cycle has been broken.
If your menstrual cycle has long been a regular and stable, but suddenly there were delays or , on the contrary , monthly began to come before - it's an occasion to refer to the gynecologist .
As has been mentioned, normally considered a cycle of 28 to 35 days, depending on the individual woman.
- One of the most important and, unfortunately , common reasons for which the irregular menstruation cycle , is stress. Overvoltage, both mental and physical , chronic fatigue . All these conditions lead to stress and, consequently , a malfunction of the organism.
- Dramatic weight loss , climate change . These reasons affect the hormonal background and make it an imbalance as a result - disruption of the menstrual cycle.
- The presence of infection or inflammation in the pelvic area , impact on why go monthly , but not regularly Tumors of different origin - this is another reason , which directly affects the menstrual cycle.
- In this case , if you notice changes in your menstrual cycle is not self-medicate , and immediately go to the survey.
- Of course, one of the biggest reasons that are not regular monthly - these are the families . After birth, the body needs to recover. Typically, if a woman breastfeeds , the menstruation start after she finishes with breastfeeding. Menstrual cycle is not lactating women , in most cases , getting better after half a year after the birth.
Every woman of reproductive age , and just related to their health seriously should be several times a year checkups , not run to the doctor at the last moment , when something has already happened.
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