Traditional Medicine Teaches Determine the Sex of the Child's Heartbeat

 Perhaps there is no such parents who do not want to know the sex of the child in early pregnancy. How to reveal the secret that has existed at all times? And then modern advanced expectant parents start rummaging through tattered notebook with records of her great-grandmother, to find how to determine the sex of the baby by heartbeat. Use records can be quick, easy and free, and doubt if desired, can dispel the ultrasound. But you can still try.

Traditional Medicine Teaches Determine the Sex of the Child's Heartbeat

There are several ways to determine the sex of the baby by heartbeat.

The first way is that we need to listen carefully as the heart beats baby. Traditional medicine believes that the heart beats chaotically girls, fast, and it does not coincide with the rhythm of the mother's heart rhythm. A boy's heart beating rhythmically and coincides with the measured thud mother's heart.

The second way to determine the sex of the baby heartbeat - makes heed where the heart beats baby. If you hear a knock on the left, a boy, if the right, respectively, girl.

The third way the most difficult for testing. It is assumed that the heart is beating faster than girls . It makes up to 150 beats per minute , and the boy's heart pounding slowly - to 120 beats . Only here to listen and count strokes is far from all parents .

Every parent is free to choose any method to determine the sex of their child. One waits patiently ultrasound, another looks at the form of the abdomen , and the third is trying to learn how to determine the sex of the baby heartbeat , and the wisest just waiting to be the most beautiful and intelligent baby - boy or girl ... Children - this is happiness !

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