How Many days Usually lasts ovulation?

How Many days Usually lasts ovulation
Couples planning a child often wonder how many days last ovulation . Ovulation - this is the moment in which the egg is matured flagged folic pipe and ready for fertilization . This issue concerns the pair is not in vain , as it was in this period is a good chance of getting pregnant.

If you take the average , then the woman ovulate on day 14 of the menstrual cycle . In fact, such a calculation is not entirely correct , as the menstrual cycle of every woman is different and takes a different number of days , some have a regular cycle , others do not . So blindly rely on this calculation is not necessary. There are several possible methods that will help you calculate the day of ovulation . These include changes in basal body temperature , special tests for ovulation , sold in a pharmacy , or a change in cervical fluid ( ie a change in the nature of vaginal discharge ) .

If the definition of the day of ovulation , a number of difficulties , while that lasts ovulation , defined as follows.

Physicians know how many hours lasts ovulation. Therefore, we will focus on their data and say that 24-48 hours - it's that time called ovulatory period during which conception can occur. Once the egg is matured and left ovary - this is the time of ovulation.

Note that due to the fact that sperm can remain active in the body of a woman from 3 to 5 days, making love a few days before the expected date of ovulation will greatly increase the chances of pregnancy.

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