Find Out Why no Monthly 2 Months

Find out why no monthly 2 months

A woman's body accurate, complex mechanism, but fragile and delicate as lace crystal. Impair its function is easy, but not easy to recover. Settled cyclical menstruation makes women's lives a calm and measured. But suddenly everything falls apart! Why not monthly 2 months?

It turns out, recurrence may be affected by many factors. Let us consider the reasons why no periods for two months.

Nervous tension , problems, load

The most common cause - is complexity at work , constant fatigue, lack of sleep, great physical exertion and stress . We must learn to look at life easier , to assess the situation philosophically . You can turn to a psychologist , and remember that a woman can not wear to work .

Weight problems

New trendy diets create a stressful situation for the body. Drastic weight loss makes him include emergency mode for survival. In this mode, a woman can not get pregnant , do not ovulate cells disrupted cyclic and disappear monthly .

And full of women should not complacent . Excess estrogen will have the same effect .

Abrupt climate change

Long-term exposure to the sun , climate change violate the natural course of the body , and then pops the question why no periods for two months. Excess UV affects the health of women.

Gynecological diseases

The first delay cause neoplastic diseases : Ovarian , uterine , cervical cancer . Become a cause of lack of menstruation inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system , IUDs . Miscarriages and abortions dramatically alter hormones, affecting the cycle. Eliminate such causes only a doctor can .

Other diseases and heredity

If mother or grandmother had problems violation cyclicality this explains reasons for the delay have daughters and granddaughters . Disorders of the endocrine system , in turn, affect the adjustment cycle. Therefore it is necessary to periodically check the thyroid and adrenal glands .

Most importantly, the time to identify the disease early and get rid of them . That's what honking reasons why no periods of 2 months.

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