What Does the Black blood During Menstruation

What Does the Black blood During Menstruation
 The widely held view is the view that the black blood in time monthly - is a pathological phenomenon. This opinion has the right to exist , and certainly in medical practice there are many cases that confirm this fact. But , in fact, change the color of menstruation is a normal occurrence and during the onset of menstruation , its color can vary from bright red at the beginning of menstruation, to dark brown and almost black in the end. 
This is due to the fact that a change in the density of blood. The density of blood may vary due to external causes , for example , a sharp weight loss or, alternatively , a set of weights medication . Menopausal women in menopause also affect the change in blood density , and hence , black menstruation blood in these cases , is the norm.

Growth and increase in size of the uterus that occur during pregnancy may be accompanied by discharge of dark color. There is nothing to worry about.

There are cases where , for some reason, menstrual blood can not escape , which leads to the formation of blood clots dark color. Usually, the cause is , polyps . Polyps - benign tumors arising in consequence of hormonal disorders or inflammatory disease. In this case, we recommend consulting and inspection specialist.

Another issue in which you may notice black monthly - a disease endometriosis . It is characterized in that in the uterus begins to swell endometrium , cervix breaking operation and complicating yield menstrual blood , leading to the formation of clots.

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