How change can be good for you! Why do we change?

Why do we change? or  How change can be good for you! certain thing we inquire us nearly daily. certain thing we know-how from persons who were once so close but now are miles away. certain thing that we all hate, but just like rainfallfall in January; it’s inescapable. Change, no matter how good it is for us, we are inclined to oppose it. No matter how brilliant our future may seem ahead after that change, our minds still linger on to what we understand. Our hands tremble from worry of the unidentified. 
Our heart calls on the past one more time to take the last stroll through these streets we know like the back of our hands. Change isn’t just about persons, your job, or even your address. Sometimes change comes from inside, you halt liking the things you admired, you stop adoring the people you loved, and you simply stop tolerating what you could handle for the past ten years. Just like a baby who does not want to be breast fed anymore, he reaches out for a spoon. 
The thing about change is, it’s the starting of every new chapter in this publication called Life. It’s the signal of a new start and an ending to what was one time a “start”. not anything resides the identical; you yourself weren’t reliable throughout this life of yours. 
Every one time in a while you gaze for certain thing new to do, you rendezvous new people and search new associates, you change your haircut or color, you even don't sustain the identical body so why do you anticipate things to stay the identical when even You have altered? The best thing about change is that it can be good and if it’s not good, that will change !

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