Top 7 Foods to Boost Your Sex Life

What do oysters, ginseng root, powdered rhinoceros horn, animal testicles and turtles’ eggs have in common? They are all considered aphrodisiac substances that arouse sexual desire or relationship enhance sexual performance in various cultures. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that an actual aphrodisiac response occurs with these or any other substances. The logic behind aphrodisiacs is as simple as they look, and smell. Physical appearance coupled with olfactory stimuli has the potential to make certain foods stir up sexual feelings. Here are top six foods that will do the trick for you.


The luscious berry with its grainy texture was associated with fertility in ancient times because of the large number of seeds it contains. The strawberry was the symbol of Venus, goddess of love, due to its red heartlike shape.

Dry fruits like almonds
Almonds are helpful in generating fatty acids in the body. The fatty acids thus produced are responsible for the generation of various important hormones required by men for enhancing their physical relationships with the opposite sex. Almonds are also useful in rousing the woman. So almonds are one type of food used to boost your physical relationship.

Avocados are good too
It is useful for men and women alike. They increase the protein content so that you are energized. It also provides vitamin B6 which is useful for generation of some hormones in the male and for regulating the thyroid gland in the female. If both hormones and thyroid gland function properly it increases the libido.

Greens are good- Try Celery
You want to increase the stimulus that is produced while having intercourse then you should try celery. It contains a hormone called an droster one which acts as a turn on for women. So next time you want to rouse your woman try having celery.

Can’t Forget Garlic
Garlic is an important element to cure almost all the diseases that occur to a human. So garlic is obviously a type of food used to boost your physical relations. It helps in increasing the libido.  Garlic contains compounds which allow free flow of blood to the private organs of men and women alike thus making it a sex booster.

Figs improve stamina
While having an intercourse it is natural to crave for more stamina. Figs contain amino acid which provides your body with good amount of stamina for your physical enjoyment as well as increases your libido.

Have an egg daily
Egg is rich in protein and calcium. Doctors normally suggest an egg in the breakfast to stay healthy forever. Egg is also rich in Vitamin B5 and B6 that are essential elements for increasing libido and stamina.

Naturally these are not the only kind of food to boost your sex-drive. Raw Oysters, Mangoes, Strawberries, Bananas, chilies etc., the list is endless. Apart from these foods, proper diet and exercise is a must to add spark in your sexual life for relationship.

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