Survive with “An Angry wife”

if you have “an angry wife” who fly into rage quite quickly, then you have to take a quick look at these advices…they may help you.

Lower your Thermostat:
Whatever she does, don’t get angry. If she started to yell, shout even break stuff around. Just remember that "she can't make you angry”. Be sure if you tried to talk or start getting angry, she will get angrier.

Meaningless argument:
Don’t ever try to win an argument by coming up with facts that are totally meaningless to her. Believe me you will make her angrier. Just listen and shut up.

Admit please:
If you are wrong, just admit it. But don’t do it in a condescending way. Believe me she will get better and calm down quickly.

Listen, listen and then Listen:
Whenever she starts talking, complaining or even yelling; don’t ever dare to interrupt her. Just listen and show her your concern. At this point of anger, she just wants someone to listen to her. Remember women are so emotional.

Look in her eyes:
If you can't make eye contact, it means you're becoming angry. But if you can, it shows you're listening. The wife gets mad, the husband shuts down. Don’t ever think that you are avoiding a battle by this attitude; on the other hand you are making her furious.
Don’t fall into her trap:
When she asks you some questions; answer her quickly; because at that time she wants to know if you are listening or not.

“Love you” Spell:
After she gets a bit calm; tell her how much you love her and how much you care. Believe me romantic words always work.

Don’t take her for granted:
Wives are often angry because they feel taken for granted and overlooked. Bring her flowers, tell her you love her, set up dates and outings with her…. all those things you did to court her in the beginning of your relationship.

Tackle a woman’s anger not as a threat, but a great opportunity to show a woman how much you love and care for her.

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