Stage breast cancer - Classification and symptoms

Stage breast cancer - Classification and symptoms

Stage breast cancer, in accordance with the international classification of malignant tumors classified as an early, late and later.

True diagnosis stage of the disease helps to assign the optimal treatment of cancer, predict the development and consequences of cancer.

Classified as stage breast cancer?

To the stage of breast cancer include several major periods in the development of breast malignancy. They may have some so-called sub-stages, i.e. interim periods, which are characterized by specific symptoms.

At stage 0 find a non-invasive cancer in which the tumor has not gone beyond the limits within which originated and developed. These breast tumors, doctors refer ductal, lobular.

In step 1 begins invasive cancer in which cancer cells start to lesion tissues adjacent thereto. Lymph nodes at this stage has not yet been struck, and the tumor size reaches 2 centimeters.

In step 2, the tumor increases and may reach 5 cm. There comes a defeat lymph that are on the same side of the body as a malignancy. Lymph nodes are not yet soldered to surrounding tissues, and to each other (soldering occurs at step 3).

Stage 3 has two sub - 3A and 3B.

3A for stage characterized appreciable increase lymph which are welded to each other or with other tissues. During this period tumor size of cancer may exceed 5 centimeters.

In step 3B malignancy can have different dimensions. The tumor begins to grow into the chest wall, breast skin, as well as - in the internal mammary lymph nodes.
The characteristic symptom is a breast lump or thickening of the entire gland, which is discernible at palpation.

During this period, 10.6 percent of cases there is the so-called inflammatory carcinoma, which is only in appearance may be mistaken for mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland mediocre). For inflammatory cancer is characterized by redness of the breast skin, increasing its temperature (felt even when touched) and also - the emergence of the so-called "Orange peel".

At step 4 the tumor beyond the thorax. It affects the internal mammary lymph nodes and armpit area. Tumor penetrates and supraclavicular lymph nodes. May be affected vital organs - brain, lungs, skeletal system, and - the liver.

Characteristics showing stage breast cancer

The early stages of breast cancer include the following: 0, 1 and 2.

Later stages of the development of malignant tumors of the breast - 2 (when the cancer cells have moved to the lymph nodes) and 3 (A and B).

Stage 4 is the later period of the disease.

Among the main characteristics of malignant tumors of breast cancer - malignant tumor size. Determining the period of the disease, doctors pay attention to whether the tumor affected regional lymph nodes.

Stage breast cancer and determined by the absence (or presence) of metastases.

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