How to make your boyfriend eat healthy without look like a freak

How to make your boyfriend eat healthy without look like a freak

If you are a lover of quinoa and you're dating a lover of burgers, you should probably make him see that it would be best to include a few vegetables in your diet. And it is complicated to make him drink spinach smoothies, you can choose to convince him that the meat is not good to take it with every meal.

Let's look at some things you can do (and change) to attract more your partner to the world of balanced diet. And who knows? Just until it engages.

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Tale is the famous Paleolithic diet or a low carb, what you should not do is put her name. To most men do not like change, so if you put a name to that diet, you're getting a name change you want to do.
That he also makes decisions

Nobody likes to be forced to do something, so talk to your partner about your eating habits and why you are willing to make some changes. For example, there are documentaries like Supersize Me, or Fat, and Nearly Dead Stick that make you see the importance of taking vegetables (after watching these documentaries not difficult to convince anyone of the importance of a balanced diet). Or even easier, ask what you want to buy some fruit when you go there to make the purchase. The fact that your partner chose that healthy food is not going to make a change in your life.

Add vegetables to all

The chef Serena Wolf says that her boyfriend's favorite dish is the mac and cheese. What he did not know (until told) is that for this recipe using cauliflower puree with a little milk to give consistency to the cheese sauce. In addition to cutting calories, add fiber, B vitamins and antioxidants.

And like this there are many options, such as adding chopped mushrooms to add flavor and more satisfying to do without having to accompany steak tacos or chips. If your partner is too "thin" can grind everything to just notice what you are eating.

Understand that your healthy food does not have to be like yours

An adult male tend to eat more than a woman. And as you do not want to share a pizza every night, he did not want to live on salads 24 hours a day. If you're trying to reduce the intake of carbohydrates, try to make some chicken fajitas, lettuce, peppers, onions, for you, and wrap everything with corn tortillas with a little cheese sauce for him.

Myths about nutrition

Many men think that eating a healthy diet is to eat only low-fat, sugar, etc. You have to explain that is not true. You can not drink a whole box of cookies for being gluten free and low in calories. On the other hand, will be more tasty add some cheese (with fat and all), stuff yourself with a low-fat food . If you do not want to have to get the cookies from the mouth to your partner while you point him the label of the box, desserts using fresh ingredients. The fruit smoothies, juices, smoothies, chopped fruit with cinnamon, etc, will make you forget the sweets after meals.

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