Why come to a premature period?

Why come to a premature period

The real reason for the accelerated menstruation can determine only an expert. But the woman is confronted with a problem like premature menstruation, also needs to know, so that suddenly started "unplanned" menstruation.

Monthly to be regular, high-quality work is needed not only to the uterus and ovaries, but also in some parts of the brain such as the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. All hormonal system must operate without interruption, otherwise a woman can observe menstrual irregularities. However, these violations may occur because of failures in the nervous system.

Often premature monthly starting on the nerves. You have experienced stress, nervous overload - here's failure cycle, menstruation can begin a few days earlier. Any malfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which affects the body as a whole, it can also lead to such a result. Remember about proper nutrition as a violation in this regard (such as the effects of diets, poor and irregular meals) may also affect the change in the menstrual cycle.

Another cause of premature menstruation can be an inflammatory process arising out of the cold. If you just, it is not inconceivable that a month is not only begin early, but will be quite painful.

Thus, reasons that may arise premature monthly, a lot. And in order to understand the cause of the failure cycle, a woman needs to carefully monitor their health.

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