Coffee The Hair Mask for Hair

Coffee The Hair Mask for Hair
Coffee - it is not only a delicious drink that helps cheer up in the morning. He is also good for health, in particular coffee hair mask can strengthen the hair roots and make a woman irresistible.

Coffee mask nourishes the scalp, improves blood circulation and metabolism. All this has a positive effect on your hair. Thanks coffee masks, hair becomes thicker, thicker and stronger. They get shine and nice dark shade.

Thanks to coffee, hair begins to grow faster. The fact that it neutralizes testosterone that inhibits hair growth. Coffee mask increases circulation and strengthens the hair roots.

So how do you prepare coffee hair mask? Here is one of the simplest recipes. Heat the water bath for half a cup of olive oil. Then add the two tablespoons of coffee. You should get a semi-liquid paste. You can add a few drops of essential oil of orange. This mask must be applied on the hair, wrap head with a towel and leave for half an hour. Then the coffee mass is washed with regular shampoo. This mask is recommended to do at least 1 time per week.

Furthermore, coffee is a natural dye. However, it should be borne in mind that the effect of coffee as the dye does not differ resistance. Already after the first shampooing shade that gave the drink out. Therefore, the color of the hair maintained, you have to make coffee masks for hair permanently. Not recommend the use of masks with coffee blondes. It is difficult to predict how they will paint evenly blonde hair. Unfortunately, this ingredient does not help to hide gray hair.

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