What goes beans?

What goes beans
This is a useful legume nutritionists recommend use in the diet as often as possible, and therefore the inevitable question: what goes in the composition of beans and what dishes, it is best to cook?

Beans (both red and white) rich in vegetable protein, vitamins and minerals, it also contains quite a bit of calories.

Due to the large set of products, which can be combined with beans for cooking, it can be called a versatile plant. However, these foods are delicious and nutritious, must follow certain rules while cooking beans with different fillings.

Tips for combining beans with other products in the preparation of various dishes
  • Beans can be eaten in two forms: often prepare mature grain, but also very tasty obtained by a special recipe cooked green pods of this plant.
  • Beans as a separate dish is the following species: cereals, mashed potatoes, Lo-bio canned.
  • Together with other products made ​​from beans can cook soups, salads, vegetable side dishes, etc.
  • Bean varieties tend to differ in color, and the cooking time, so one of the various types of plate bean almost never used.
  • Mature beans, usually cooked for a long time (probably longer than what whatever vegetables), and green beans cooked much faster.
  • In the vegetable soup and porridge beans usually added already boiled.
  • Similarly, the fish or meat is usually not boil with these legumes because of the difference in time of cooking.
  • Taste beans give tomatoes and onions, this combination is found in many dishes.
  • In bean puree made ​​to add oil (vegetable oil or butter).

Thus, the best combined beans and vegetables as well as meat or fish in the first and second courses. By the way, for a more complete disclosure of updatability of the product, bean dishes should be salted at the end of cooking with any combination of ingredients.

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