Why should we eat Mango?

Why should we eat Mango
Summer season has come and mangoes are available in bazaar, as we all know that mango is the king of fruits and there are five main reason according to the research that why should we eat mango?

Mango contain many different enzymes, it helps to reduce the quantity of protein that’s why people prefer to eat mango after meal. Mango contain Different vitamin, minerals also helpful for digestive system.

Glycemic index which is the important part of mango control the sugar level which is increase after taking meal. 

Mango contains vitamin “C” which controls the level of cloistral.

Vitamin “A” is very useful for eyes. Eating mango is very beneficial for those people who has the “blindness of night”

Mango also enclosed vitamin “E” it is very helpful for maturation of Reproductive organs of both male and female.

Author Name : A.S


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