What Happens in a Woman's Body

What Happens in a Woman's Body

 What happens in a woman's body, if there is no pregnancy and no monthly ? The female body, like clockwork. There are moments when everything works smoothly and accurately, but sometimes things go wrong. And what caused these crashes, you do not understand without professional assistance. A large percentage of women drawn to the gynecologist with the question, if there is no pregnancy and no periods - about what it might say. Consider the most likely candidates and causes.
  • If there is no pregnancy and no periods , remember , if you had a lot of stress or emotional turmoil . As strange as it may sound, but very often strong emotions and turmoil entail menstrual problems .
  • Stay calm , do not overload yourself with too much exercise . Do not abuse the diets as dramatic weight loss and low weight - it's a shock and stress on the body , and as a consequence, a violation of his work.
  • Hormonal or other drugs may also affect the change in the menstrual cycle. Therefore, before taking them carefully read the summary to them and discuss with your doctor the possible consequences of their reception.
  • Functioning of all organs and systems in the body are closely interconnected . That is why any disruption in the body can affect the menstrual cycle . Very important is the correct operation of the endocrine system as thyroid disease or adrenal glands affect the proper operation of the ovaries and lead to their dysfunction. As a consequence , there is a disruption of the menstrual cycle and in most cases there is a delay period.
  • In addition, the correct operation of the ovaries may be affected by inflammatory processes or the appearance of tumors or cysts. In this case, delay menstruation cycle and problems are inevitable, but an independent solution to this problem , alas, is not possible .

Therefore, if you have a question , why there is no pregnancy and no periods should seek qualified help to diagnose the problem and subsequent treatment . Since the appearance of tumors or inflammation can cause reproductive disorders and infertility.

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