Dry and brittle hair? Natural Mask for Bleached hair

Dry and brittle hair? Natural Mask for Bleached hair

Dry and brittle hair? Natural mask for bleached hair at home will provide instant assistance.Once having decided to become a blonde , you need to be prepared for the fact that the hair care would be more costly in time and money . In order to maintain the color, elasticity and shine bleached curls , you need to regularly use moisturizing and nourishing agents. For these purposes , in addition to professional makeup , perfect mask for bleached hair at home . This inexpensive natural products from which you can easily and quickly prepare a magic elixir with a stunning effect!

Mask for bleached hair with henna and lemon juice

3 Tablespoons colorless henna, mix with 2 tablespoons fat cottage cheese (9-18%), add 1 egg yolk and juice of 1 lemon th. The resulting cocktail apply on the scalp distributing strands. The mask must be kept 40-50 minutes, while the head is desirable to heat wrap.

Firming mask

20 grams of cosmetic clay mixed with ½ cup of milk, add a handful of sea buckthorn berries and blend until smooth. The resulting mass strike at the roots of the hair. Wrap your head and hold for 40 minutes.

Mask with pepper for "revival" Hair

On a steam bath to melt ½ cup of honey , add the essential oil 5-6 drops of cinnamon , 1 teaspoon ground black and red pepper , spoon 1chaynuyu ground cloves , a tablespoon of almond and the same amount of burdock oil . The resulting homogeneous slurry , apply on the scalp rubbing motion . After 1 hour, washed off using a shampoo. Skin may be slightly pinch - an act of pepper and cinnamon.

Masks for bleached hair at home , return and silky tresses grooming will help maintain luster and strength. Most importantly do not be lazy , to conduct systematic care and observe not tricky rules - dry hair naturally , to protect hair from the sun and not combing wet. Hair answer you gold glitter filled with vitality and health.

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