Doctor, what's wrong with me ? I beige vaginal discharge!

Doctor, what's wrong with me ? I beige vaginal discharge!

Often girls are frightened discharge not related to menstruation. This selection can be beige, beige-yellow or beige-pink. At home, it is difficult to understand what changes in the body can be dangerous, but it is useful to know what is normal and what is not. In a normal vagina always secretes mucus. So it is cleared of possible microbial cells and updates.

As vaginal discharge associated with menstruation?

  1. Beige after monthly allocation in the first phase of the cycle are the norm . Usually they have scant or odor.
  2. During ovulation mucus increases , the color can become brighter , may appear abundant beige selection.
  3. In the second phase of the cycle will be less discharge again , they become lighter.
  4. Beige allocation before menstruation or even yellow-brown as normal. They may be more abundant than usual.

How to understand that normal release beige ?

  • Odorless or have a very faint smell .
  • Allocation should not go too heavily . Maximum number appears in the ovulation period and reaches about 5 ml. night .
  • Mucus is not thick, stretching .
  • No itching, discomfort during urination , and other symptoms of illness.

What should I fear ?

Pay attention to the following features:

  • Allocation greenish, bright yellow, dark, bloody .
  • The consistency is thick, frothy , curd .
  • There is a sharp , unpleasant smell.
  • Do you feel a burning sensation , pain , discomfort in the vagina.

If there is at least one of these symptoms , you must consult your doctor immediately ! Watch your health, regularly carry out routine inspection at the gynecologist and you will not have to worry!

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