What is the Current Removal is and what it is good?

What is the Current Removal is and what it is good

One of the most effective and safe ways to get rid of body hair removal is a shock. The operating principle of this procedure is that due to electrical pulses directed to the hair follicle , the hair bulb is destroyed. This means that the hair in the area subjected to electrolysis , their growth is stopped . With this type of hair removal can remove hair from any part of the body that is a huge plus in his favor.

This procedure is considered to be painful , but as the intensity of pain vosprimimaemoy depends on your sensitivity threshold who - that carries current epilation harder someone easier. The great thing is that the zone treated with a laser small so removal is quite fast . In just a few sessions, you can get rid of unwanted vegetation .

Due to the fact that hair removal - it's pretty aggressive on the effects on the skin the way it should be noted a number of contraindications epilation shock:

  • In chronic skin diseases, malignant tumors or infectious diseases for this procedure is not recommended.
  • During pregnancy, the same must be careful and choose a more gentle method of hair removal.
  • In the presence of pacemaker , intrauterine device or pins in the mouth, should be eliminated with this procedure.
  • Hypertension and problems of the cardiovascular system as well exclude conduct electrolysis .
  • Individual procedures or neperinosimost neperinosimost materials from which made ​​the needle for the procedure .

Before the start of the procedure once again recommend to consult with a specialist who will accurately determine whether suitable for you this way or not.

If you decide to epilation current advise you to carefully approach the selection of the master cabin and into whose hands you get . After all, he must be a true professional who accurately and clearly gets the job done .

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