Normal Delayed Menstruation

Normal Delayed Menstruation
All women and girls in different age periods may change in the menstrual cycle, ie periods may come earlier or with a delay of several days. In this case the normal delayed menstruation is not more than five days.

Causes of delay monthly

Causes the normal delay menstruation can be a big set . It could be stress , a drastic change in body weight (as in the direction of decreasing and increasing ) , vitamin deficiency , intense physical activity, intake of contraceptive drugs , climate change , occupational hazards , etc.

If delayed menstruation lasts more than five days , the reasons can be much more serious . And if it's not pregnancy, then most likely reasons may be various gynecological pathology ( uterine fibroids , poly-cystic ovaries, inflammation of the fallopian tubes , endometriosis , etc.) , or diseases of the endocrine system , the following of the hormonal failure .

How to normalize the menstrual cycle

In order to restore and regulate the menstrual cycle may require 3-4 months or more. While walking medication, which will recommend a gynecologist, or take advantage of people's recipes , some of which are listed below.

1. Prepare a collection of equal numbers of marigold flowers , ash berries , hawthorn and wild rose , herb wormwood and cuff , licorice root and chamomile flowers . All grind in a coffee grinder and 2 tbsp. spoon collection should pour ½ liter of boiling water, then insist in a thermos for 12 hours. Take tincture need at least three months a third cup 4 times a day .

2 . Must take on one of the fruits of dill and coriander , 2 parts herb wormwood , knot-weed , shepherd's purse , the bark of Viburnum , flowers clover , calamus root , 3 parts nettle leaf , licorice root and 4 parts rose hips . All the ingredients required to grind and 2 tbsp. spoon collection should pour boiling water in the amount of half a liter , then a thermos night . Infusion should take on ¼ cup three times a day , a course of at least 2 months.

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