Botox - Botulinum Dangerous Poisons like Treatment and Support

Botox - Botulinum Dangerous Poisons like Treatment and Support

Botulinum Dangerous Poisons like Treatment and Support. We present suffering , pain and disease, several types of medications available to get rid of , but you know that many of these drugs are extremely dangerous poisons made ​​.

For the past few decades to erase facial wrinkles like Botox , a drug used . Botox actually ' Botulinum toxin called poison discovered in the world as the most toxic substance known . A few teaspoons of coffee to kill everyone in the UK and a few kg over the entire population of the earth could be one . It is so dangerous that it is produced only in military institutions and its price per kilogram is a thousand billion pounds .

However, does not reduce the demand for Botox and the needle still in his forehead for getting huge pay .
Butulynm nerve poison that affects the nerves in the major proteins is ruins and the nerve tissue is disconnected and becomes a man died .

Process to remove facial wrinkles using it because of its ability nerve which is groundbreaking forehead wrinkle generation destroyed the nerves that wrinkles become breeding places it gets fuzzy. Butulynm face wrinkle -producing nerve is destroyed.

However, butulynm for a couple of grams used billion parts of water , and the solution is soon to enter .
It is believed that the use is not the only toxin butulynm strabismus her eyes and sweat from migraine pain, including rape and bladder base is also used in the treatment of various diseases .

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