Workout and Diet Secrets Of Troy Hero Brad Pitt

Workout and Diet Secrets Of Troy Hero Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt looked great in his movie Troy but in order to achieve the body for the role of Achilles, Brad Pitt worked out hard, for 3 hours in the gym and ate "up to four meals of high-protein and low carbohydrate food". After the movie, it was reported that Brad Pitt enjoyed the benefits of low carbohydrate that he maintained it to keep fit.

Brad Pitt workout is characterized by working a particular muscle group to death each day, then giving it time to recover over the week; ending the week with concentrated cardio.
  • Monday – Chest
3 – 75 push ups
3 – bench press – 25, 15, 8 reps (165, 195, 225)
3 – nautilus press (80, 100, 130)
3 – incline press (80, 100, 130)
3 – pec deck machine (60, 70, 80)
  • Tuesday – Back
3 – 25 pull ups
3 – seated rows (75, 80, 85)
3 – lat pull downs (135, 150, 165)
3 – t bar rows (80, 95, 110)
  • Wednesday – Shoulders
3 – arnold press (55, 55, 55)
3 – laterals (30, 30, 30)
3 – front raises (25, 25, 25)
  • Thursday – Biceps & Triceps
3 – preacher curl machine (60, 80, 95)
3 – ez curls cable (50, 65, 80)
3 – hammer curls (30, 45, 55)
3 – push downs (70, 85, 100)
  • Friday – Cardio
Treadmill – 60 minutes at 80-90% MHR
  • Saturday – Cardio
Treadmill – 60 minutes at 80-90% MHR
  • Sunday – Rest

Brad Pitt Dieting and Supplements

  • Breakfast:  Six egg whites (a few yolks added in) and 75 grams of oatmeal with raisins for added taste.  Pitt also substituted a protein shake for the eggs if he was short on time.
  • Supplements1:  canned tuna in wholewheat pita wraps.
  • Lunch:  Two chicken breasts, with 75-100 grams of brown rice and green vegetables.
  • Supplements2:  protein bar or whey protein shake and 1 banana (this was pre-workout time).
  • Supplements3:  another whey protein shake and 1 banana.
  • Dinner:  grilled fish or chicken, more brown rice, veggies and a large salad.
  • Supplements4:  low fat cottage cheese or a casein protein shake.

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