Suprem Ways to Keep Young Health and fitness Tips

 Suprem Ways to Keep Young  Health and fitness Tips

If you have ever marveled that couple of women’s inspire of being getting older, have glossy skin with very few wrinkles and minor lines.You hold looking them to renowned the secret, but when you inquire the response is just a grin. You occasionally seem helpless wit this answer, as everyone has some mysteries. Here are some general principles which will help you out. So just try them and depart everyone looking and feeling envious pattern you.

Keep a check on digestion.
Small intestines (on east medicine beliefs) are roots of our organism. If tree roots are strong and healthy then, the tree prospers, it is beautiful. And if roots are rotten, a tree withers, dries. The same is with our  intestines, if it is healthy, our organism prospers, and a person lives longer life. Healthy intestines depends on meal: fresh vegetables and fruits, pure water, less pastry, salads and porridge, and also camomile tea in the morning promotes skin beauty a lot.

Skin condition, symmetry of body and vigor depend on quantity and quality of water we drink. Water Intake should be at least 1,5-2 liters a day. Water contain oxygen which increases metabolic rate and keep you energetic. And soon you’ll withdraw result on your face ( your skin)

Enjoy a sound  sleep.
Incomplete sleep is the worst enemy of skin and hair beauty! Develop the habit of Early to bed Early to rise. Make shore you have a comfortable and cozy mattress and blanket which will help you go sound sleep. I have one acquaintance who values her beauty so much, that goes to bed at 9 o’clock in the evening. And she looks splendid at 36 years! Isn’t it  amazing!
Develop the habit of walk – Fresh air is a friend of beauty
If you sit at office all day long, pass home on foot. Window should be constantly opened, and especially in winter. During week-end arrange long walks in open air. A person feels normal, if he receives about thirty cubic meters of fresh air per hour.

In our skin toxins and living organism keep on accumulated which ruins the beauty. Hence to keep your skin healthy and beautiful take bath daily, and keep your glow and youth preserved. Prepare a very salty solution in evening, impregnate a shaggy towel with this solution and squeeze it out a little. After you rub skin with a shaggy salty towel, and your body becomes red as lobster, you can consider that your skin is a live organism. Thus they advise using not soap, but corn flour, not harmful in hot space.

Dried fruits are good source of vitamins. So drink a compote from dried fruits, dried apricots and raisin them in oat flakes in the morning, and drink dogrose infusion regularly, it should be rather sour on taste, only then there are enough vitamins in it.

Some vitamins rich product : Several spoons of porridge, a tomato, an orange, a cup of tea and yoghurt. Here are some “wonderful products”: string bean and bilberry, broccoli and porridge, oranges, yellow pumpkin, soya, salmon, spinach, black and green tea, tomatoes, turkey, nuts and yoghurt. The diet involving the portions of above mentioned products will help you to forget old age and wrinkles.
Internal spirit and state of mind!
The secret of youth preservation is in avoiding of ugly emotions. It is not less important, than all aforesaid! If you have not forgot how to joke and laugh, like in youth, if you are benevolent and envy to nobody, if you have a hobby, your old age will have a young beautiful face, and plastic operations will not be necessary for you!

And at last – “a youth elixir”. It is considered that this structure rejuvenates cells really powerfully, it is recommended to drink it since 30-year-old age. Mix and crush 200 grammes camomile, 100g immortelle, 100g John’s-wood and 100 gram-mes birch buds. 1 items of l. Draw 1 table spoon mixture in 0,5 l hot water (in a thermos), filter. Drink one glass of infusion with a spoon of honey in the evening before a dream and half an hour to meal in the morning.
Drink within a month
 A woman’s neck and hands give out her age. We often forget about our hands. We get used to their look and not always can seize an opportunity when wrinkles appear too obviously. Skin of hands suffers from temperature drops much stronger, than cheeks, covered with protective and foundation creams. We wash dishes and forget putting on gloves.

Our great-grandmothers wore thin gloves in spring and autumn knowingly- they protected skin of hands, prolonging its youth. Ideally you can start a season of gloves, as soon as temperature in the street goes down to +4 degrees. So a purchase of thin graceful spring gloves is not overindulgence, but banal protection.

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