Papu Shahid Kapoor said that, “With a vegetarian diet, the biggest challenge in front of me was getting a six-pack, need a lot of motivation and a lot of dedication for it”
Abbas Ali, who is Shahid Kapoor Fitness Trainer’s online fitness video also got a lot of hits from Shahid Kapoor Fans.
Kapoor said about Video that,”its seven part video includes warm up
session, core abdomen training , follows the concept of circuit
training, combination of high-intensity aerobics and resistance training
designed to be easy to follow and target fat loss, muscle building and
heart-lung fitness , also follows the principle of Parkour
conditioning,it is a non-competitive physical discipline of French
origin in which participants run along a route, attempting to negotiate
obstacles in the most efficient way possible, as if moving in an
emergency situation, using skills such as jumping and climbing, or the
more specific Parkour moves, tells everybody about my work-out schedule
as well as my diet. So if you are worried about your vegetarian diet and
still dreaming to have six-pack abs, here’s your way out”
The last part of the video talks about the diet and the importance of fats, carbs and proteins in your everyday diet.
The last part of the video talks about the diet and the importance of fats, carbs and proteins in your everyday diet.
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