Easy steps to getting more flexible

Yoga is a great way to improve your flexibility and there are exercises you can do at home to build on the good work you do in the gym and at exercise classes. Just follow these 3 simple steps.

Why should I improve my flexibility?
Flexibility is the ability to achieve maximum range of movement (ROM) around a joint or series of joints. You improve flexibility by stretching. The purpose of stretching is to maintain or increase ROM around a joint. If you have insufficient ROM around a particular joint, stretching the muscle(s) that are restricting that range of movement will be beneficial.

If you already have sufficient range of movement around a joint then stretching will be a benefit for long-term maintenance.

If you already are quite flexible then lengthening the muscle even more could be harmful.

How will I know if I am flexible or not?
A lying hamstring stretch
Assessing how flexible you are can be done visually. Ask your partner or a friend to observe you performing a hamstring stretch. This is the muscle at the back of the thigh and meets the top of your calf muscle.

1.Lie on your back with one leg bent and foot flat on the floor.

2.Extend the other leg up to the sky. Do not point your toes.

3.If you can keep your leg straight and hold the stretch with your leg at a 45 degree angle then you have a good level of flexibility. If your leg cannot be extended straight up to the sky then you need to improve the flexibility in your hamstrings.

Ways to improve your flexibility?
Static stretch – Hold a stretch statically (still) for up to 30 seconds. The greatest change in flexibility happens between 15-30 seconds’ hold. If you are unfit or older then this is the safest way to stretch.

Dynamic stretch – This means stretching with movement so the muscle is being continually lengthened then shortened. A dynamic stretch could be circling the shoulders or bringing the heels up to touch the backside (leg curl). It is important to move with control. These stretches are useful when warming up in cold weather.

Passive stretch – This means using an external force to increase the stretch i.e leaning on a wall, holding the leg or asking a partner to increase the stretch for you. Passive stretching is comfortable and a great way to improve health related flexibility. Be careful not to promote range of movement beyond that which the muscles are capable of controlling.

When performing stretches always repeat on both sides of the body to ensure muscle balance.Link

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